  • Study

The Role of Religious Actors in Population Dynamics

Insights from the African Dialogues on Faith and Demography

Colette Rose, Catherina Hinz
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© Berlin-Institut

Africa faces unique demographic developments today. The continent's population is growing rapidly: from currently 1.5 billion people to almost 2.5 billion by 2050. Sixty percent of the population is under 25 years old. This dynamic holds enormous opportunities for the economic development of African countries, but at the same time places high demands on education, health and employment opportunities for the young generation.

The final report of the international dialogue series "African Dialogues on Faith and Demography" shows how these challenges can be overcome and what role religious actors play for sustainable development. The dialogue series, which was organized by Religions for Peace, the German Federal Foreign Office, UNFPA and the Berlin Institute, aimed to shed light on the opportunities at the intersection between religion and demography. It offered the opportunity for experts, faith actors and members of religious initiatives and associations from all over Africa to engage in dialogue. The report is based on the findings of the six dialogues and highlights key areas for action.

The report and policy brief are also available in French.

Focus Areas: Demographic dividend, International population policies, Population and development in Africa
published: 5th December 2024

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In den 34 untersuchten afrikanischen Ländern vertrauen die Menschen religiösen Führungspersonen im Durchschnitt mehr – und halten sie für weniger korrupt – als Politiker:innen. Das Vertrauen in religiöse Führungspersonen ist in Tansania, Niger und Äthiopien am höchsten und in Südafrika, Sudan und Gabun am niedrigsten. © Berlin-Institut
Religiöse Akteure können den demografischen Wandel sowohl direkt als auch indirekt beeinflussen. So können religiöse Führungspersonen beispielsweise die Vorteile kleinerer Familien hervorheben oder sich dafür einsetzen, Kinderehen in ihren Gemeinden abzuschaffen. Gleichzeitig können einige religiöse Organisationen Arbeitsplätze für junge Menschen schaffen, was sich indirekt auf den demografischen Wandel auswirkt. © Berlin-Institut


Colette Rose

Project Coordinator International Demography

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