This report shows how religious actors can advance demographic change in Africa.
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At the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), held in Cairo in 1994, the international community agreed on the universal right to freely decide on the number and spacing of children and to receive the information and means to do so. Self-determination – especially for women – is key to sustainable development. However, progress in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights has been slow, partly due to greater opposition to the goals of the Cairo Programme of Action (PoA). The discussion paper sets out the arguments put forward by opponents like the Vatican, evangelical Christians in the USA and "anti-choice" movements in Europe that aim to undermine implementation of the ICPD goals.
The Berlin Institute would like to thank the Dirk Rossmann GmbH for funding this project. The Berlin Institute is solely responsible for the content of this report. The Berlin Institute would also like to thank the DSW – Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung for funding the translation of the discussion paper.
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