This report shows how religious actors can advance demographic change in Africa.
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Over the past century, life expectancy has grown steadily and seemingly inexorably. While an average person lived for 30 years around the year 1900, humans have now reached a mean life span of 71. Can this trend continue? Longevity-optimists are convinced that people living today may well age to 150. Yet in many developed countries, societies are divided into two groups: one consisting of people who grow very old, remaining fit and healthy for a long time; another consisting of less privileged individuals who are more likely to fall ill and die sooner. Health and life expectancy are essentially influenced by two factors: social status and the level of education. The study analyses the reasons for global differences in life expectancy. Society and politics are called upon to take action in order to compensate for health inequalities.
The Berlin Institute would like to thank the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (formerly GfK Verein) for supporting this research project.
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